Amateur Radio Information:
The following Ham Radio Frequency will be utilized by the Organizing Committee for Voice Communications during the upcoming Sno*Drift Rally.
All frequencies are found on the 2 meter band.
The rally will run through a directed net control under FCC rules.
Appropriate announcements will be made concerning the net control before, during, and after the event.
For some locations a 2 Meter FM radio and an antenna with a gain of 3dB may be required.
146.700 MHz, Offset (-600 KHz), PL Tone 103.5 Hz, Mio
146.740 MHz, Offset (-600 KHz), PL Tone 103.5 Hz, Indian River
If one or both repeaters are incapacitated, Net Control will be monitoring the Simplex frequency 147.570 MHz.
Ham Radio operators involved with the upcoming event will be receiving detailed information shortly before the event.
Net Control will have a link to GRLevel3 Weather Radar and will broadcast any significant Weather related updates from the National Weather Service on the rally frequencies being utilized.
If you have questions concerning ham radio use during the rally, please contact us here.